Wednesday 26 June 2024

**Rock Music Maven Interview with Blue Scorpio: Behind the Scenes of "The Live Experience" and a Sneak Peek into the Upcoming Album**

Welcome, Scorpions! We recently sat down with Rock Music Maven for an exclusive interview where we delved into our latest live album, "The Live Experience," recorded in Centurion, South Africa. It was a thrilling experience, and we're excited to share our thoughts and stories from the performance. Plus, we gave a sneak peek into our upcoming third album, where we explore new musical directions while staying true to our signature sound. Join us as we discuss our creative process, inspirations, and what you can look forward to next. Dive in and enjoy!

**Rock Music Maven**: Welcome, Blue Scorpio! It's fantastic to have all of you here. Your live album, "The Live Experience," has been a hit with fans. Let's start with Ethan. Can you tell us what it was like performing live in Centurion, South Africa?

**Ethan Jay Clarke**: Thanks for having us! The Live Experience show in Centurion was quite special. We really wanted to do something different from our contemporaries - you know, there has been an influx in the music industry recently - with many more people suddenly able to tell their stories through music. We thought doing a live performance was a bit different and exciting! The crowd certainly enjoyed it and so did we!

**Rock Music Maven**: That's awesome to hear, Ethan. Noemie, your drumming has been a standout on this album. How did you prepare for the live performance, and what was your favourite part of the show?

**Noemie Kennedy**: Thanks! Snake Oil is such a fan favourite - it's an all-out classic thrash track, and getting to play with that much energy is a lot of fun. Fortunately, we've played it so often that it becomes second nature to me. Before the show, I made sure to keep up with my drumming routines and worked on my stamina because a live performance demands so much physical and mental energy. My favourite part of the show was definitely the moment we kicked off Snake Oil. The crowd went wild, and their energy was infectious. There's something incredibly powerful about connecting with the audience in that way, and it just pushes us to give everything we've got on stage.

**Rock Music Maven**: Thanks, Noemie. Danny, you handle lead guitar and vocals on some tracks. Can you tell us about your experience during the live performance of "Half Past Dead"? What was the most challenging part for you?

**Danny Velez**: Half Past Dead is one of our new tracks from the Next Steps EP. It is quite energetic! Playing it live was both exhilarating and challenging. The intricate guitar riffs demand a lot of precision, and combining that with the performance energy can be tough. The most challenging part was keeping that high energy throughout the song while ensuring every note hit just right. The crowd's reaction made it all worth it, though – their enthusiasm really fuelled our performance.

**Rock Music Maven**: Thanks, Danny. Ben, you're known as the more private member of the group. How did you find the experience of performing live in front of such a big crowd, and how did you prepare for it?

**Ben Greenwood**: Oh, am I? (Ben laughs). I suppose it could come across that way, being private. Maybe I just enjoy being considered the mysterious one. Generally, I just want to put on a good show, and I really enjoy the vibe and the energy of the crowd. It really perks me up to see all those smiling faces and to connect with people in such a dynamic way. Preparing for the live performance was about staying relaxed and focused. I spent time practising our set and making sure I was physically and mentally ready to give my best on stage.

**Rock Music Maven**: Thanks, Ben. Now, let's talk about your upcoming third album. Ethan, can you give us a sneak peek into what fans can expect from this new release? Any particular themes or new directions you're exploring?

**Ethan Jay Clarke**: Our original album, the AI Tapes, was very much a hard rock and thrash metal album with some gothic rock and a ballad. The Next Steps EP took those styles and themes a bit further, and now we're trying out a few new things but still staying true to that original Blue Scorpio style and vision. We have a few grunge-rock inspired tracks on this album, some thrash, some heavy metal. A mid-tempo style power ballad. Aaaaand... We have Noemie behind the mic again! It's going to be a diverse album, but it will still have that signature Blue Scorpio sound that our fans love.

**Rock Music Maven**: That's exciting, Ethan! Noemie, since Ethan mentioned that you'll be taking the mic again, can you tell us more about the track you'll be leading and what it means to you?

**Noemie Kennedy**: I can't reveal too much, but this time it's a fast-paced, energetic, thrashy track. It's keeping to the dark fantasy/sci-fi themes we have explored before. I also handle the drums on this one as well. Balancing both the vocals and drumming was a challenge, but it adds a unique intensity to the track. I'm excited for everyone to hear it!

**Rock Music Maven**: That sounds fantastic, Noemie. Danny, with the new directions the band is exploring, what has been the most exciting part of creating this upcoming album for you? Any memorable moments from the recording process?

**Danny Velez**: The most exciting part of creating this upcoming album has definitely been exploring a groovier sound. We've been experimenting with different rhythms and tones that bring a fresh feel to our music while still keeping that Blue Scorpio edge. One memorable moment from the recording process was when we were working on one of the grunge-rock inspired tracks. We got into such a great groove that we ended up jamming for hours, just feeding off each other's energy. It was a blast and really reminded us of why we love making music together.

**Rock Music Maven**: Thanks, Danny. Ben, as the most private member of the band, can you share a bit about how you balance your personal life with the demands of being part of Blue Scorpio? Any tips for maintaining that balance?

**Ben Greenwood**: Balancing my personal life with the demands of being part of Blue Scorpio can be challenging, but it's all about prioritising and managing time effectively. I make sure to set aside time for myself to recharge and stay grounded. Exercise is a big part of my routine – I love participating in Park Runs, which helps me stay fit and clear my mind. Keeping a strong support system of friends and family is crucial too. It's all about finding that equilibrium and making sure to take care of myself so I can give my best to the band and our fans.

**Rock Music Maven**: Thanks for sharing, Ben. Let's switch gears a bit. Ethan, with all the new and exciting directions the band is taking, how do you stay inspired and keep the creative juices flowing? Are there any specific influences or experiences that have shaped the new album?

**Ethan Jay Clarke**: Staying inspired is all about tapping into the music, stories, and songs that have been in my head for many years. I've always had these ideas swirling around, and now being able to fully realise them is a dream come true. Our new album draws from a wide range of influences, from classic thrash and heavy metal to grunge and dark fantasy themes. Personal experiences, the energy of our fans, and the chemistry within the band all play a huge role in shaping our music. It's a combination of long-held dreams and the excitement of exploring new creative horizons together.

**Rock Music Maven**: Thanks, Ethan. Finally, for all of you – what message do you want to convey to your fans with this new album, and what do you hope they take away from it?

**Ethan Jay Clarke**: For me, music has always been a way to process and navigate through life's challenges. With this album, I hope our fans find solace and strength in our songs. Even in the darkest times, there's always a way forward, and facing those issues head-on can be incredibly empowering.

**Noemie Kennedy**: I want our fans to know that it's okay to confront their struggles. Music can be a powerful tool for healing, and even the darkest themes can bring light when we face them together. I hope our music helps people feel less alone and more understood.

**Danny Velez**: This album is about channelling energy and emotion into something positive. The thrashy, intense tracks are a way to vent and release, helping us cope with whatever we're going through. I hope our fans feel that same catharsis and find strength in the music.

**Ben Greenwood**: Music has always been therapeutic for me, a way to balance and ground myself. I hope our fans take away a sense of resilience and hope from this album. Even when things seem bleak, facing those challenges can lead to growth and healing.

**Rock Music Maven**: Thanks so much, Blue Scorpio. It's been great talking to you, and we can't wait to hear the new album!

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